Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Burda 6288

Yes, Another flannel dress. It does keep me warm indoors, but outdoors it is freezing cold! This is the BurdaStyle pattern that I purchased at Joann's, I think the same dress was in the magazine, but sometimes you are just not in the mood to trace the pattern. This fits really well without any adjustments.

 Butterick 6450 is very similar, but I have that cut out in summer fabric and I didn't feel like sewing that first to get to the pattern. I just did that with the New Look wrap dress pattern. The spring version fits well, so it's on to the winter version.


  1. Hi Becky, I'm currently making the Burda 6288 and I'm hopelessly stuck on trying to attach the neckline. Any chance you could help me!

  2. Hi there, I'm so sorry not to reply sooner, and I'm sure you have figured it out, but if it's sitting in the to be finished later file, just treat like you are sewing on a collar. Attach the band piece that will be showing first, wrong sides together, clip the curves and press up. Then take the under piece and fold under the bottom and press, then just place right sides together and stitch, clip curves and flip to the right side. Top stitch, or slip stitch the "collar" closed. That's it!
