Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hot Patterns 1201

This is really close to wearing a nightgown! This is the second time I've sewn this pattern, the other version is below. This time I did it in a pink knit from JoAnn's. I always envisioned this fabric in this pattern, but I could never find the white print on sale, then a year later it was on Fabric Mart for a really great My new sewing plan is not to try to force a pattern to a fabric, or fabric to a pattern. I want to know that they were meant for each other before I cut anything out. If they don't work, back to the stash to await their perfect match!

I added the neck binding and the cuffs, it just needed something to finish it off.

I still wear this dress and still like it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an interesting pattern:
